A building may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other:
A. Agricultural uses, including tilling of the soil, nursery and the keeping or raising of livestock, birds, poultry, horses and bees, provided that:
(1) The minimum lot area shall be 10 acres.
(2) Any building used for the keeping or raising of livestock, poultry, birds, horses or bees shall be situated not less than 100 feet from any street line or property line. For the keeping of bees, adequate shade and water shall be provided in the immediate vicinity of the hives.
(3) The keeping or raising of horses shall be limited to one horse per two acres.
(4) The keeping or raising of all other livestock and poultry shall be limited to five per acre.
(5) A single-family detached dwelling is permitted on the same lot as this use, provided it meets the area and dimension requirements of
§ 500-403: Area and dimensional requirements. A greenhouse or greenhouses and a roadside stand are also permitted, but only as accessory uses to the primary agricultural use, subject to the following restrictions:
(a) At least 50% of the products sold shall be produced on the premises where offered for sale.
(b) Any such stand shall be situated not less than 30 feet from any street line.
(c) Such roadside stand shall be a structure with no more than three enclosed sides.
(d) No retail sales, except from a roadside stand, shall be permitted from or in connection with a greenhouse.
In the OR Open Recreation District: Using existing facilities as a continuing interim use of land pending development of other permitted uses or as a demonstration farm when part of an overall recreation or educational area plan.
In the M-1 Light Manufacturing District: A building may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for the following purposes and no other, provided that no use which is noxious or hazardous shall be permitted except in accordance with
Article XXV: Nuisance Standards of this chapter. Minimum lot area of five acres.