MapLink™ Signs

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Purpose.  See § 500-2802: Purpose for details.
General sign regulations.
A. Definitions.  See § 500-2803A for a complete list.
B. Area of signs.
(1) The area of a sign shall be construed to include all lettering, wording and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background, whether open or enclosed, on which they are displayed, but not to include any supporting framework, bracing or decorative trim which is incidental to the copy content of the display itself.

(2) In the computation of square foot area of a double-faced sign or multiple-faced sign, only one side shall be considered, provided all faces are identical in size. If the interior angle formed by the faces of a double-faced or multiple-faced sign is greater than 90°, then all sides of such sign shall be considered in calculating the sign area. All faces of a revolving sign or a revolving sign component shall be considered in calculating the sign area of such sign or component.

(3) If an establishment has walls fronting on two or more streets or if the property fronts on more than one street, the sign area for each building wall or property frontage shall be computed separately.

(4) With the exceptions of billboards, commercial outdoor advertising signs, monument displays and off-premises signs, a sign supported by more than one means (and therefore may be defined as freestanding, wall, roof or projecting sign) shall have its area and height calculations determined by the type of sign that has the most restrictive standards.

(5) Frontage on Interstate 95 shall not be used in the calculation of sign area.

C. Height of signs.
(1) The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be measured from the elevation of the shoulder of the road to the highest point of the sign structure. In the case where there is a sidewalk, the height of the sign shall be measured from the elevation of the sidewalk.

(2) For a projecting, wall or roof sign, the maximum height shall be determined by the height of the facade of the building.

D. Illumination of signs. No directly or indirectly illuminated sign shall violate the provisions of § 500-2505 of this chapter. Illumination of billboards, commercial outdoor advertising signs and monument displays shall be governed by § 500-2811D and § 500-2812, as applicable.

E. Supports. Effective January 1, 2000, the use of wire supports for any sign permitted to be placed in the right-of-way or on government-owned property is prohibited. Wire supports necessary for signs not located in the right-of-way or on government-owned property shall not encroach into any right-of-way or onto any government-owned property.
Placement of signs.
A. Lies within 10 feet of or projects over a point within 10 feet of the ultimate right-of-way of any street or is within 10 feet of the shoulder or curb, whichever is greater, with the specific exception that such placement of political signs shall be permitted if done in compliance with all other provisions regarding political signs.

B. Lies within the clear sight triangle. The requirements of § 500-2308 of this chapter and Chapter 440, Subdivision and Land Development, § 440-416A, Corner sight distance (clear sight triangle), shall be met.

C. Obscures a motorist's view of traffic signals, stop signs or other warning devices as viewed from a distance of 500 feet along established thoroughfares.

D. Obscures a motorist's view of roadway or intersections ahead as viewed from a distance of 500 feet along established thoroughfares.

E. Limits a pedestrian's view of vehicular traffic to less than 500 feet while he stands inside the curbline at an intersection or other established crossing point.

F. Lies within a distance of 20 feet from either side yard property line.
G. Lies within a parking space or fire lane.
H. Blocks the movement of pedestrians traveling on public thoroughfares.
I. Blocks the entrance, exit, fire escape or fire lane to a building.
Exempted Signs. See § 500-2805: Exempted signs for details.
See Article XXVIII: Sign Regulations for complete, detailed information.
A. Zoning information. With the exceptions of billboards, commercial outdoor advertising signs, monument displays and off-premises signs, no sign shall be erected on a property containing information that the subject property may be used for any purpose not permitted in the zoning district in which the subject property is located.

B. Prohibited signs. The following signs are unlawful and prohibited:
(1) Any banner, pennant or novelty-type sign suspended between poles and lighted by a series of lights is prohibited.

(2) A sign that uses any method of illumination that can cause glare is prohibited, except in accordance with the following:
(a) It must be so effectively shielded that glaring beams or rays of light are not directed to any portion of any street, highway or adjacent property or structure.

(b) It must be less than 1/4 footcandle, as measured from the curbline or shoulder, so as not to cause glare or impair the vision of any motorist or otherwise interfere with the driver's operation of his motor vehicle.

(3) No sign may use the words "Stop," "Look," "Danger" or any word or character which attempts or appears to attempt to direct the movement of traffic or which interferes with or resembles any official traffic sign, signal or device within 75 feet of a public right-of-way or within 200 feet of a traffic control device, whichever is greater.

(4) Except for traffic control signals, red and green lights are prohibited within 75 feet of a public right-of-way or 200 feet of a traffic control device signal, whichever is greater.

(5) Except for temporary community special event signs, any sign erected on a utility pole, street identification sign, traffic control sign or device, streetlight pole, traffic signal pole, tree or other natural feature is prohibited.

(6) Any banner, pennant or novelty sign or sign of any other type is prohibited across a public street or on any private property, except for such signs which are approved by the Board of Supervisors, as a conditional use, to be of general benefit to the Township or for public convenience, necessity or welfare. No application for such conditional use shall be granted unless such application includes written approval for installation of such sign from the owner of the public street, right-of-way or private property and the owner of any utility poles or streetlight poles located within the public street, right-of-way or private property and a specified date for removal of the sign.

(7) Any sign suspended between poles which is either a banner, pennant or novelty sign which blows in the wind or a spinner which spins in the wind is prohibited. Refer to § 500-2805 for exceptions.

(8) Any sign is prohibited which does not conform to the requirements of the sign regulations which were in effect when the sign was erected.

(9) Any sign which is not included under the types of signs permitted in district regulations or in this article.

(10) Any portable sign, except as permitted under the provisions of this article.

(11) Festoon lights
(12) Snipe signs
(13) Signs painted directly on walls.

C. Violations. A sign in violation of Subsections A and B above shall be removed within 14 days of notice from the Township that such sign must be removed.

Prohibited signs in residential districts:
Animated, changeable copy, commercial outdoor advertising, portable, projecting, revolving, roof, directly illuminated, and indirectly illuminated signs are prohibited, except as specifically permitted in Subsection B(5) hereof.

Prohibited signs in the A-O, OC and P Districts:
Animated, changeable copy, commercial outdoor advertising, portable, projecting, revolving and roof signs are prohibited.

Prohibited signs in the commercial districts:
Except as specifically permitted in § 500-2811D, animated signs, billboards, commercial outdoor advertising, monument displays, projecting signs, revolving signs, portable signs and roof signs are prohibited.
A. Any sign legally existing at the time of the passage of this chapter that does not conform in use, location, height or size with the regulations of the district in which such sign is located shall be considered a nonconforming sign and shall be bound by the regulations of this chapter regarding nonconforming signs.

B. A sign on a building or structure which does not conform to this chapter shall be removed when the building or structure is demolished or when the fair market value of the cost of the building or structure renovation or expansion exceeds 50% of the fair market value of the building or structure as determined by applying the formula set forth in the Annual Certification of the Pennsylvania State Tax Equalization Board to the value of the building or structure as assessed by the Bucks County Board of Tax Assessment.

C. A sign not conforming to this chapter shall be removed when the sign requires any structural renovation or the background area of the sign is to be altered.

D. A nonconforming sign must be removed within 14 days or be made to conform to this chapter in every respect, whenever:
(1) It is not firmly attached to the ground or some other object and can be easily moved.

(2) It becomes so deteriorated that it no longer serves a useful purpose of communication and is a nuisance as determined by the Township.
Any sign hereafter erected or maintained shall conform with the provisions of this article and any other ordinance or regulations of the Township of Middletown not inconsistent herewith.